Coventry Rugby Club has teamed up with a local charity to hold a Prostate Cancer Health Awareness event at the Butts Park Arena. It is a sad fact that prostate cancer affects more men than any other cancer, so that 1 in 8 men will experience it in their life time. In fact, 53,000 men are diagnosed every year. Despite all this, there are no screening or awareness programmes. And so we see well known men from the media and world of sport going public in order to draw attention to the risks and the need to get tested. The clear message is “early detection saves lives: in fact if caught early enough prostate cancer can be cured. However, 80% of early cancers have no symptoms, so men need to be proactive and get tested from aged 45 onwards”.
Additionally, certain groups are more at risk than others. Black and African-Caribbean men are at twice the risk: likewise, men whose father and/or grandfather have prostate cancer. Such men should be tested from the age of 45, or ideally 40.
Men over the age of 50 are entitled to what is called a PSA test. This test measures the health of a man’s prostate and can indicate the presence of cancer. Unfortunately, GPs don’t make eligible men aware of this test, or call them in. So, it is left to local patient-led charities like Coventry & North Warwickshire Prostate Cancer Support Group to raise awareness and highlight the need for early testing.
So, we are delighted to provide the opportunity to have a PSA test in the Millerchip Suite at the Butts Park Arena on Saturday 22nd February from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. You are asked to book a 15-minute time slot in advance: this saves time on the day and minimises queuing. Book online at cnw.mypsatests.org.uk or via the QR code below. A £20 registration fee is required to help cover equipment and processing costs.

Any queries see cnwpcsg.org.uk or ring group secretary on 024 7601 4207.
The event is sponsored by Chris West Consultancy Services Ltd. in memory of
Chris Harris 1961-2024.