Tutors & Exams Sponsor Coventry Rugby Foundation

Barton picks up where he left off

Cov plan pre-season Lincolnshire camp

Pat Pellegrini wins Super Rugby contract

‘Exciting new group’ promises much – Alex Rae

Cov receive pre-season boost

Cov’s head coach welcomes restructured fixture list

Championship Fixtures: A Christmas cracker awaits Cov’s players and fans

Cov span the history books with pre-season opponents

Coventry Rugby Foundation launches 150th anniversary appeal at Champions Meeting

Alex Rae strengthens his coaching team

Cov add to their midfield contingent

Coventry Rugby Foundation appoints 150th anniversary appeal ambassadors

Statement by the Championship Clubs on today’s RFU Council meeting

Former Warrior Morris becomes Cov’s latest signing

Coventry Rugby Regional Academy fills RFU West Midlands void

Cov add pair of exciting backs to 2024/25 squad

Statement from Championship Clubs

Cov retain quartet of 20-year-old prospects

Alex Rae confirms three more re-signings