Never underestimate the influence a professional rugby player can have on a starry-eyed pupil, whether it’s encouraging them to pick up a book, throw a ball or eat more fruit and veg, our players are excellent, accessible role models to children across the city.
As such, we use the power of rugby and combine it with education to deliver a wealth of projects to schools across Coventry, Warwickshire and Birmingham.
Rugby and Reading
£25 per coach, per hour
The UK has a literacy crisis. In 2018, a study by the National Literacy Trust showed that one in eight disadvantaged children do not have a book of their own.
Through Rugby and Reading, we help inspire children to pick up a book and stay healthy via weekly two-hour sessions, these include:
- One hour of one-to-one reading, with multiple or small groups, with our professional players
- One hour of active engaging multi-sport
- Helping to develop confidence through literacy and physical literacy.

PE Lessons
£25 per coach, per hour
Our highly-experienced coaches can lead and deliver multiple PE lessons for all ages and abilities. It’s a chance for kids to try something new, and to be coached by one of Coventry Rugby’s finest.
- Lessons are based around a range of sports
- Informative warm ups provide helpful injury-prevention advice and a chance to learn more about how the body works
- Encouraging skills-based knowledge
- Physical development and games to gain and retain pupil attention and enthusiasm.
Breakfast, Lunch and Afterschool Clubs
£25 per coach, per hour
Extracurricular sports clubs provide young people with the chance to develop their social skills, as well as many other soft skills. We’re on hand to help make these clubs as fun, informative and engaging as possible. We can help with:
- A motivating breakfast club to start the day right
- Lunchtime games – in the playground or in a hall – for selected groups of children to maximise exercise access and pique engagement
- Afterschool clubs to burn off any extra energy, helping children with their wellbeing by winding down before heading home.
Educational Days
Enquire for cost
We can supply sessions on:
- Sports coaching and leadership development, hosted by Ross Stewart, our Academy Manager, and Richard Meacham and Sam McNulty, our Rugby Development Officers. This covers all aspects of what makes a coach, the roles and responsibilities, what is leadership, the different types of leadership and whether someone is a coach or a leader. It also includes Q&A with first-team coaches
- Physiology of sport, delivered by our Head Physio. This looks at types of training, how it affects the body, how the body works, injuries and how to overcome them
- Sports nutrition sessions, taught by our Head of Strength and Conditions, which covers the importance of healthy diets and lifestyles for everyone – not just athletes
- Sports development, run by our Community Team, this session covers how community sport is developed, working at each level – from grassroots to elite sport – and how to increase participation in sport.

£ Free
We can lead an assembly, providing an insight into what we do at Coventry Rugby and talk about the importance of physical activity and exercise. It provides a great alternative option for an engaging start to the day and gives teachers an opportunity for a short break.
Girls Specific Rugby Clubs
£25 per coach, per hour
We want to break down the barriers by helping to grow female sport, and encourage girls to take part in enjoyable sport from an early age. Currently, only 12% of girls aged 14 meet the official guidelines for physical activity, according to The Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation. We want to change that by providing fun, educational coaching masterclasses to girls
The sessions include:
- Active rugby games and delivery
- Specialist rugby coaching and activities for all ages and abilities
- Developing confidence and self-esteem via a sport that is rapidly engaging women nationwide.
Rugby and Health
£25 per coach, per hour
Similar to our Rugby and Reading offering, we’re able to provide opportunities to mix physical activity with education. Our professional players will once again be on hand to assist in delivery of classes on topics such as personal safety, nutrition and conflict/relationship management. By using rugby as the hook, it provides relatable information and guidance to pupils.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
We support SEND schools, delivering more than 40 hours per week in one school, and are looking to extend this even further. Our assistance is in PE, swimming, sport and lunchtime duties. We’re now offering even more than ever before.
Breakfast, Lunch and Afterschool Provisions
£25 per coach, per hour
Ensuring all activities are inclusive, our coaches will:
- Wake children up with games in the morning
- Run sports clubs at lunchtime
- Deliver fun sports sessions after school for all abilities.
Assistance with specialist activities and sessions
Our Community Officers are specially trained in handling and working with SEND children.
The activities we assist with are:
- Swimming: helping change children, supporting them in the swimming pool and assisting with the supervising of the pool
- Duke of Edinburgh Awards and supporting staff to deliver the activities
- Cookery and hoe economics and helping staff to educate children on cooking at home.
Rewards Days
Schools can visit the Butts Park Arena to use our state-of-the-art PFS Centre and engage in fun sporting activities. It can be booked for the whole day or either a morning or afternoon session.
Stadium Tours
We can offer organised tours of the Butts Park Arena for groups of children. The tour includes tasks and activities in the PFS Centre.

CashBack Scheme
Schools and organisations can join our CashBack scheme, where they have the facility to sell matchday tickets and either earn money back or hours in coaching sessions.